Cristiano Ronaldo Vs Netherlands Home (14/08/2013)

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24 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo Vs Netherlands Home (14/08/2013)”

  1. WORLD Prophecy-My Beloved Children! Flee now the churches of Babylon! Satan’s Demonic Fallen Angels deceived you. Seed of Cain. Reptilian Shapeshifters & Human CLONES! {Presidents,Govs,Pope,Osteens,­H­inn,Cosby,B.Walters,Sports,T­V-­Media,UN,CFR,etc}.ACTORS! Trickery,Illusion,Prosthesis. USA-Evil J.F.Kennedy & Wife-NOT DEAD! Pretends as Pres.Jim Carter/Wife. Bush respons.NY-9/11 2001.GREAT,GREAT HORROR,SORROW,DESTRUCTION,DEAT­­H COMING! Warn/Prepare Families.Seek Me.Psalm 91.go Wellaware1dotcom

  2. he looped a the end of Asbo feat. Katherine Ellis – Let The Beat Hit ‘Em (Extended Mix)

  3. What is the name of this song please?
    I know it is ASBO feat. Katherine Ellis- Let the Beat Hit Em… but what remix i cant find it anywhere?!?! please help

  4. really i actually think he’s more matured now that’s why he isn’t showing off too much before it was just crowd pleasing not actually necessary but he’s still a goal scoring machine

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  6. poor dribbling, zero creativity,no tricks! Ronaldo is done. He isn’t gud as he was in early years

  7. How to beat Portugal… man mark Ronaldo with at least 3 men. It worked for the majority of the game and for most games.

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