Cristiano Ronaldo: Man Utd vs Seville

| | 13 Comments| 7:05 pm|

Video clip Score: 4 / five

13 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo: Man Utd vs Seville”

  1. It´s Christina aguilera or something singing , not nicole .. Whatever , Cristiano Ronaldo #1 4-Ever !! but actually , he is nr. #7 in the match 🙂

  2. You can’t stop Rock’n’Roll and you can’t stop
    YOU CAN’T STOP RONALDOOO!!! Nobody can stop him!

  3. c.ronaldo is the best player there is !! en he always be !! so fuck the other players !!

  4. oops sorry! i got confused between come to me and tell me xP btw, this is me, ronaldosgal17 but on a different account. haha. (:

  5. cool vid!
    There’s something wrong. De song is from P.Diddy feat CRISTINA AGUILERA and not nicole!

  6. nice vid…
    good song and u couldnt of had anyone better !!
    tht last pic .. im still laughing !
    great job !

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