Cristiano Ronaldo – A GREAT PERSON

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Video clip Ranking: four / five

23 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo – A GREAT PERSON”

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  2. hi i am a big fan of fc barcelona and acknowledge that I and misjudged this wonderful gentleman I apologize

  3. Nice vid, tough a bit sappy, but nobody is perfect. Loved specially the music, very nice choice and well in tune with the msg of a nice chap. Can you tell me the name of the song please?

  4. That’s is job, he have enough skill to receive the 40 miillion per year, butt i am not talking about the money or the football skills, i am talking about him as a person, not as a player

  5. un huh. Nice guy? Is that why he threatened to leave Real Madrid unless they paid him €40 million per year?

  6. Tradução para Português : O que ? O Ronaldo não bebe bebidas alcoólicas porque se lembra que foi isso que matou o seu pai, Não tem tatuagens para poder doar sangue, Dá muito dinheiro a muitas instituições que precisam de ajuda! E depois de ler isto diz-me se ele só é uma boa pessoa quando as cameras estão por perto ! VIVA RONALDO

  7. What ? Ronaldo Doesnt drink alchool because he reminds that was alchool that killed is father, he doesnt have tatoos so he can donate blood, He donates A lot of money to institutions that need help ! After reading this tell me if he only is a nice guy when the cameras ara around ! VIVA RONALDO

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