Cristiano Ronaldo ● Crazy Skills 2013 ● HD

| | 25 Comments| 4:48 pm|

Video Ranking: four / five

25 thoughts on “Cristiano Ronaldo ● Crazy Skills 2013 ● HD”

  1. ㄴㅂㅈㄷㅇㅌㅋㅌㅇㅈㅂㅈㄷㄴㅋㅌㅌㄴㅁㅇㅌㅇㄴ저나누너나지제배바나으아나나미베메메아아으으아나니

  2. your stupid lol ,raul wear the number 7 and ronaldo wear the number 11
    REAL MADRID vs al sadd.

  3. You say that 2:00 is Bale, yes the number is different but the boots are Nike, did Bale signed with Nike?

  4. awesome vid but you forgot to add ronaldo’s third goal against galatasaray in this season’s CL

  5. Thats not the point. If its a ronaldo vid it should be a ronaldo vid 🙂
    the fact that bale’s in it is kind of odd

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    SPIDER PIG  SPIDER PIG Does whatever a SPIDER PIG does Can he swing From a web No he cant He’s a pig Look ouut! He is a SPIDER PIG!!

  7. Yea he does but he needs better one thats what ima saying becuase i make video of CR7 So Shut ok =)

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